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Year Up – July 2016
August 17, 2016
Congratulations to another cohort of Year Up National Capital Region! This graduation was the 20th celebration of their Arlington campus and the 1st of their new Woodbridge campus.
Year Up Graduation
February 1, 2016
The exuberance was palpable as the curtain rose to reveal the graduating class and the packed theater of friends, family, and co-workers roared with applause that could barely be contained.
Gary Sinise
May 29, 2013
I met Gary Sinise. And by “meet” I actually do mean it this time. Like Mr. Brokaw, Easter Seals also honored Mr. Sinise with an advocacy award for his dedicated work for our nation’s veterans and wounded warriors. I was charged with capturing the meet and greet, where throngs of people eagerly got in line […]
Tom Brokaw
May 23, 2013
I met Tom Brokaw. Well… not “meet” exactly, but like he was definitely in touching distance (which I didn’t do because I’m not a creep). I’m just a kid who grew up watching him every night with my family over dinner. My respect for him is probably only barely surpassed by Brian Williams. (Who’s a […]
DC-AYA Annual Members Summit 2013
April 12, 2013
I was excited to cover the DC Alliance of Youth Advocates 2013 Annual Member Summit at the All Souls Unitarian Church in DC a few weeks ago. The organization is a coalition that helps guide policy and programming within the district, and is comprised of several members that do amazing work like Bread for the […]
The Army Distaff Foundation Inc.
September 24, 2012
The Army Distaff Foundation hosted its 17th Annual Gala to honor this year’s recipients of the Eisenhower Distinguished Citizen Award, Secretary of Defense and three-term US Senator William S. Cohen and Congressman Harold “Hal” Rogers (R-KY). 1Dis·taff – Device used in hand spinning thread. From 17th-century England, the word distaff became a synonym for maternal side of the family as […]
Howard Behar, former President, Starbucks International
August 22, 2012
I had a chance to hear Howard Behar speak while I was shooting at a national franchise’s conference. As a man who entered into the company when it started small, Howard was able to give great insight into the inner workings and changes within Starbucks as it went from local coffee chain to internationally recognized […]