Articles from this Category
Kira | Graduation
August 13, 2017
I peeked into my archive to find these gems of Kira. Congrats grad!
Year Up – July 2016
August 17, 2016
Congratulations to another cohort of Year Up National Capital Region! This graduation was the 20th celebration of their Arlington campus and the 1st of their new Woodbridge campus.
Year Up Graduation
February 1, 2016
The exuberance was palpable as the curtain rose to reveal the graduating class and the packed theater of friends, family, and co-workers roared with applause that could barely be contained.
Karen and Rachel | Senior Portraits
July 9, 2012
I met up with Karen and Rachel on the busy streets of Old Town Alexandria. They were full of giggles and excitement and looking like a million bucks (each). They had just finished up their high school careers two weeks before and were taking full advantage of their short summer before heading off to the […]