Articles from this Category
Kira | Graduation
August 13, 2017
I peeked into my archive to find these gems of Kira. Congrats grad!
There’s a new friend on the camera shelf. Its name is Fuji X-T10. Hello tiny, retro-styled, mirrorless shooter! There was a good deal on Overstock (really? yes.) and now I have a camera for travel that feels incredibly light (in comparison). I will admit readily that I’m not a gear junkie, but, even then, the accumulation is real. This won’t make it to any of my shoots, but it’s been an easy stowaway for a jaunt to New York! #YayHamlet
Everything is Under Construction
September 29, 2015
Yet another landmark is under scaffolding. Take note of the walls around the Rotunda though – have to keep the college students out!
It’s been a while since I did the touristy thing and went to the National Mall. I knew that the turf was torn up, but I didn’t know it was torn up. It looks like that? Until 2017?? And the scaffolding doesn’t look nearly as cool on the Capitol building as it did on the Washington Monument. Oh well. Go, tax dollars, go!
A Refreshing Site
Some of you may have noticed that my site was looking a little dated, but with a new back end and layout options I think I’ll be posting more frequently (tbh, this issue was more about the user than the software). My backlog of unpublished content is shamefully immense and I hope to make amends. In the meanwhile, I’ll slowly be cleaning up my old posts until everything looks up to par.
Enjoy and I hope you like it!
CTPC Senior Banquet 2013
June 16, 2013
It’s the end of my first school year of directing the Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church Youth Group, but it’s been years of being involved. For many of these girls, I’ve seen them since they were in middle school, from the time when they were still with braces, glasses, and refusing to wear skirts. Though they […]
Phoebe, Henry, & Caleb
January 16, 2013
Uh oh. So I’m at the age where my friends are now having children, which is both weird and amazing at the same time. Did I mention cute too? I remember going to Phoebe and Henry’s wedding a few years ago, and my, does time go fast. Now they have an adorable baby boy who […]
Make This | Chewy Triple Ginger Cookies
January 2, 2013
Hello new year. Yesterday I dropped my 7 quart dutch oven on my foot. Granted, it wasn’t from very far up, but it still was enough to do some mysterious damage. I was fine all throughout the day until the evening when I popped my last batch of cookies into the oven. As I walked […]
Christina and Steven
December 11, 2012
My husband and I recently went to Atlanta, Georgia to attend a friend’s wedding. While I didn’t go to shoot, I couldn’t help but bring some equipment. Glad I did!
Make This | Kir Jensen’s The Ultimate Brownie
October 2, 2012
If you know me at all, you know I absolutely love food. I know it’s all the rage to be a foodie now that the Food Network has made watching cupcakes for an hour a real thing, but I promise you I’ve been cooking myself things since elementary school. (Bacon for an after-school snack anyone? […]