Gary Sinise

Easter Seals Advocacy Awards Dinner 2013

I met Gary Sinise. And by “meet” I actually do mean it this time.

Like Mr. Brokaw, Easter Seals also honored Mr. Sinise with an advocacy award for his dedicated work for our nation’s veterans and wounded warriors. I was charged with capturing the meet and greet, where throngs of people eagerly got in line to thank him or to tell him they hope CSI gets picked up for another season.

Mr. Sinise, though supposedly under the weather, powered through an onslaught of picture takers and interviews with journalists telling them, “I’m just an actor guys…” As he prepared to walk into the main banquet hall, he paused to cheese next to the color guard.  He then shook my hand, thanked me, and walked into the reception where he was a guest of honor.

I liked Lieutenant Dan, I liked Apollo 13. Now I really respect and like Gary Sinise.


In particular was Tammy Duckworth, US Representative from Illinois. A double amputee from the war, she walked up to Mr. Sinise and said “We’ve never met, but I have a funny story for you.” After waking up from the explosion that took both her legs and the functionality of her right arm, one of the first things she was told was that “Gary Sinise has already called to ask you how you’re doing”.  His encouragement to our wounded soldiers is personal. From the looks of her current political (and viral) success, it seems like she’s doing just fine, continuing to selflessly serve our country.


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