Efficiency Exchange

March 31, 2013

My friends Nate and Taryn invited me to come shoot some head shots and a team meeting for their startup Efficiency Exchange (EEX). I’ve always admired the energy and passion that they both have, so this was a no brainer – plus I love being in these meetings where I get a glimpse of what other people are up to.

EEX builds solutions for retailers and factories, eliminating inefficiencies and improving the supply chain. What makes them unique is their focus on creating a user-friendly software that everyday factory workers will be willing (and wanting) to use. As a proponent of good design and UX, I think they’re on the right track and will bring to market a product that will change the expectations in the industry, proving once again that design is a critical function and not just ornamental. Have I drunk the kool-aid? You betcha.  My hope is to watch these guys go from the living room to the board room.


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